Opis w języku angielskim:
Which statement describes you the best?
- "Would be the first to die in a horror movie", or
- "Is the biggest bargain hunter"
---and which describes the person next to you the best?
In each round of the cooperative game Så Meget Dig! (That's so you!) you pass the game box clockwise around the table.
The two players sitting to the immediate left and right of the game box are the active players for the round, and one of them draws two cards and reads them aloud for the entire group. Example:
- "Spends the most time on the toilet", and
- "Is more calm during an emergency"
The active players secretly split these two statements between them, by placing exactly one face-down card in front of each of them.
The rest of the group now discuss who they think got which card. Once the group is in agreement, the two active players reveal their cards.
If the group guessed correctly, 2 points are scored.
Try to score as many points as possible!